Weatherization Services

Schuylkill Community Action assists low-income residents of Schuylkill County with keeping their homes more energy-efficient, which in turn, saves them money on energy bills.

This page provides information on SCA’s Weatherization Program, plus provides tips on home energy conservation.

Weatherization Office

500 North Centre Street
Pottsville, PA 17901
(570) 622-1995


Weatherization Program

SCA’s Weatherization Program helps reduce the energy burden on income-eligible residents by installing cost-effective energy efficient measures, while ensuring their health and safety.

Using blower door technology, technicians are able to prioritize weatherization strategies that will help to make homes more comfortable for these residents.

Some of these energy conservation measures include energy education, air leakage reduction, water heater conservation, insulation and ventilation, and gas/oil heating retrofits.

The Weatherization Program also offers baseload measures that are designed to help reduce the electric kilowatt usage of income-eligible residents. These measures include:

Refrigerator Testing


L.E.D. (Light Emitting Diode) Bulbs

Clothes Dryer Maintenance

The Weatherization Program is made possible through the Pennsylvania Department of Energy.

The winter relief portion of this program is supported through PPL Electric Utilities.

How is work completed?

Work is completed through a step-by-step process.

  1. An auditor will use Blower Door Technology at the client’s home to determine appropriate measures.
  2. Materials needed to complete the work is then ordered.
  3. A weatherization crew will perform work at a mutually agreed time and day.
  4. Oil, coal, and gas furnace work will be subcontracted to certified furnace technicians.
  5. Finally, quality control inspection will be conducted on the home.


In order to be eligible for the Weatherization Program, all clients’ incomes must not exceed 200% of the established poverty guidelines.

200% Guidelines – Poverty Level
Size Annual Monthly
1 $31,300 $2,608
2 42,300 3,525
3 53,300 4,442
4 64,300 5,358
5 75,300 6,275
6 86,300 7,192
7 97,300 8,108
8 108,300 9,025
+1 $11,000 $917

Home Energy Conservation Tips

SCA offers many tips on how to conserve energy at your own home.

Energy conservation is a wise investment, so please consider following these tips.

  1. Close all of your window shades at night.
  2. Open window shades during the day at windows that receive direct sunlight.
  3. Only run the washer and dryer with a full load of laundry, with cold water. Consider getting a rack or line to hang your clothes inside to dry.
  4. Clean the lint catcher in the dryer after every use.
  5. Turn single lever faucets all the way to cold when drawing cold water. (If the lever is not fully to the cold side, cold water is introduced into the water heater every time the faucet is turned on. Afterwards, throughout the day, energy is spent heating up lots of unused cold water.)
  1. Unplug appliances (TV’s, DVD/Blu-Ray players, computers, kitchen appliances, etc.) that are not being used or control them with a power strip that can easily be switched on and off.
  2. Plan meals that can be quickly cooked on the top of the stove. Avoid using the oven and avoid dishes that require a long time to bake or cook.
  3. Close the registers or turn down thermostats in unused rooms.
  4. Put a rolled up towel on the floor at the door, inside unused rooms and outside entrances, to stop drafts.
  5. While showering, wet yourself initially and then turn it off. Lather up and then turn the shower back on to rinse. Make sure your shower is completely turned off when you’re done.
  6. Only run the dishwasher when it has a full load, and be sure to use the air dry cycle.
  1. Run the range hood and bathroom fan only when needed. Most of these fans draw outside (cold) air into the room.
  2. Make sure storm doors close tightly.
  3. Lock all windows to make a tighter seal to keep cold air out.
  4. Turn off the lights when leaving any room.
  5. Replace burned out bulbs with compact fluorescent or L.E.D. bulbs. They cost more than regular bulbs initially, but last much longer and use much less electricity. In the meantime, before the incandescent bulbs burn out, dust the bulbs and the lenses of the fixtures to get more light out of the existing fixtures.
  6. Use task lighting instead of turning on all of the light fixtures in a room. Watch TV with most of the lights in the room turned off.
  1. If possible, enter buildings through a main or double door entrance instead of a door that opens directly to the outside.
  2. In the winter, wear sweaters and shoes or slippers around the house and turn the thermostat down to the lowest comfortable temperature. In the summer, dress lightly and set the thermostat at the highest comfortable temperature. Run the air conditioner only on extremely hot days. The Federal Government recommends that thermostats should be set no higher than 78° in winter and no lower than 68° in summer.
  3. If you live in an apartment, don’t use supplemental heating appliances. They are usually less efficient than the normal heating system. They may overheat a small portion of the apartment while doing nothing for other areas needing heat. They can also circumvent the proper operation of the thermostat, keeping heat from getting to other areas of the apartment that may need it.

SCA is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.

We are firmly committed to the provision of assistance regardless of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, military status, sexual orientation, or marital/family status.

OCS Disclaimer

This website is supported by Grant Number CFDA # 93.569 from the Office of Community Services within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided).

The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Office of Community Services.

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